Sunday, November 05, 2006

Every time we accomplish one of our goals or a “promise to self”. I think it’s important to express gratitude, say “thank you!” to someone, or some thing.
Many of us go through life with many promises to “self”. (eg. “one day, I’m going to learn to speak french”, or “learn to play piano” or “take a trip to Singapore”). If these are really promises to self, we need to be serious about what we think! And then be like a Jedi master, “Don’t think...DO”! It doesn’t necessarily mean “do it all,”.
Try the “swiss cheese” time-management technique, by putting small holes in a big task, until it is broken down into a manageable thing. Look in the phone book for that piano teacher or travel agent. Then,...paste the phone number somewhere you will see it. Make a call, ask questions, get a brochure. Do some part of that goal or promise at least once a week! Review your progress. Visualize it’s completion !! SEE YOURSELF DOING THE GOAL!!!
If we don’t make some progress on “promises to self”, they become “lies to self”. These are the worst kind of lies!! Remember what William Shakespeare said; “To thine own self be true!”.

1 comment:

Ron said...

Jeff: I got a great piece of advise some years ago, and it's related to what you wrote.

This friend said "Forget about having to make great humungous gains every day; you're just setting yourself up for frustration. Instead, just try for one inch a day towards one or a couple of the things you that you want. It might be a phone call, maybe an email, maybe even just reading an email, or maybe just looking up some information, maybe not even putting out the garbage--maybe just putting it all in the long as you can get the one inch. And then be happy with yourself for getting that one inch acomplished"

He told me "some of those one inches might not get you too far, but some of them will snowball on you and get you way further than might ever imagine."

My experience has been that my advisor was exactly right.